There are many grill options in the market and purchasing a new grill can be daunting. Other manufacturers, like Weber, have released similar grills that make it all the more confusing. The grills we are talking about here is the range of grills under the Weber Spirit and Weber Genesis series.
If you have gotten into the Weber Spirit vs. Genesis debate, then you are not alone in this dilemma. These are, without a doubt, the best grill in town. Many grill enthusiasts love Weber for their efficiency, durability, and performance.
You need a reliable grill if you love backyard grilling. It’s not only a centerpiece of your outdoor party, but it can also serve as your alternative cooking tool. If you are having a tough time deciding between the Weber Spirit and Genesis, a few essential requirements can help you arrive at a better decision.
In this article, we are going into detail about the standout features of the models in these two series so that it can help you decide which one will be suitable for your grilling needs. We’ll also have a short review of a few models under the Spirit and Genesis series.
The Story of Weber Grills

The name Weber is intricately tied to backyard barbecues; however, that is not the only product they produced. The dome charcoal grill, which many grill enthusiasts swear by traces back its origin to Weber Brothers Metal Works. This company produced different metal products that range from hinges to wagons.
It wasn’t until 1952 that the Weber BBQ grill was born. The famous grill was invented by George Stephen, who was a welder for the Weber Brothers Metal Works in Chicago. He fashioned a charcoal kettle grill out of welding two buoy halves together. After so many unsuccessful attempts and prototypes, he was able to come up with a working grill, and you know the rest.
The Weber Genesis series came out 30 years after. It focused on grills with built-in gas tubing and angled metal bars. The latter is designed to prevent flare ups. It is also known as the Flavorizer Bars designed to disperse the heat evenly and to prevent the drippings from reaching the flames.
Another series from Weber, the Spirit, is more of the standard grill models. It has no advanced features or technology. Thus, it is cheaper.
Weber Spirit
The grills under the Spirit series have either two or three burners. Compared to the previous versions, most new models have a design makeover on its control panel on top of the storage rack and folding tables. It also has porcelain-coated cast-iron grates grills.
The models from the Weber Spirit are all made from stainless steel, so they are highly reliable and durable. Performance-wise they are excellent. It has the standard, attractive design completed with artistic finishing.
Weber Genesis
The Weber Genesis series includes four models, each with different features. This series is the company’s best selling lines owing to its design, quality, construction, and performance. To differentiate the models, you have to remember two things: the S pertains to the sophisticated models, and the E models are the most basic of the grills. One thing that is common among all these grills is that they are consistent with the design, construction, quality, and performance.
All the grills have three burners, and the BTU can differ in different models and come with the flavorizer bars for smoky grilled food. It comes in both natural gas and propane versions.
Weber Spirit vs. Genesis: The Face-off
The first difference in the Weber Spirit vs. Genesis is the price. The Weber spirit is in the lower mid-range and is considered as a right starter grill for those who are into grilling. It is easy to use and can be used at cooking anything.
The Genesis models have more sophisticated technology and cater to the more serious grillers. Although they are still easy to use, it does come with an additional shebang and is quite obvious on its price tag. It is also more durable, so maybe that justifies the price.
Design & Styling
When it comes to their design and styling difference, there is a slight difference between the two, particularly with the knobs, displays, and other small details. The Spirit models have the upright design with the tank inside and accessed through a door. This has an advantage because the tank is protected from the weather, and it’s sturdy too because it is made from cast aluminum.
The Genesis models, on the other hand, have the open-cart design, which is not as attractive as the Spirit models. In this design, the tank is outside, but there are other high-quality parts like the thermometer dash, lid handle, badge, and burner knobs.
Construction and Quality
All Genesis models are made using high-quality materials and are more durable. It tends to last longer, even though different weather conditions. It doesn’t mean that maintenance is not required because it does.
Whether you have Weber Spirit or Genesis, both need proper care and maintenance. You should invest in the right tools including the brass wire grill brush, steel wire brush, etc. to clean your grills.
Grilling Performance
There are several factors to consider when we talk about grilling performance. You need to look at convenience, BTUs, the number of burners, among others.
In the Weber Spirit vs. Genesis comparison, both are high-performing grills. The burners in these two series have a unique shape that can deliver consistent heat throughout the grill. The Spirit models have smaller grilling space and have limited place for additional attachments. Meanwhile, the Genesis series has a built-in iGrill 3 Ready system that improves the grilling performance.
Pros and Cons
Weber Spirit
- Great built quality with stainless steel
- Superior temperature control
- Available in a wide variety of sizes to suit your grill size needs
- Built to perform and perfectly grill meat and other food types
- They are heavier and difficult to move
- It is difficult to clean
- Open cart design does not protect the grill from elements
Weber Genesis
- It offers great craftsmanship
- It is loaded with impressive innovations like the iGrill 3
- Superior GS4 grilling system
- Durable and high-quality grilling grates
- Some find it a little expensive for a grill
- The technologies made it more complicated to use
Top 3 Weber Spirit Grill
1. Weber 4501001 Spirit II E-310 3-Burner Propane Grill
This model from the Weber Spirit series has the GS4 grilling system that has improved infinity ignition. It merely means that it’s easy to fire up this grill. It has two gas grills with three stainless steel burners with a total heat output of 32,000 BTU. These burners are thoroughly spaced to provide excellent heating to the entire cooking surface. Each has its controls to allow different cooking settings.
The cooking area is expansive at 424 square inches; you can even cook a 20-pound turkey or roast your meat and veggies at the same time. Weber 4501001 Spirit II E-310 3-Burner Propane Grill grills are sturdy and well-constructed. It also features cast-iron grates with porcelain coating giving consistent heat and easy to clean. The Flavorizer bars are also present to catch the dripping to the grease tray for easy grease management.
2. Weber 4401001 Spirit II E210 2 Burner Propane Grill
There is not much difference between the Weber Spirit II E-310 and this Weber Spirit II E-210. This model also has the Gs4 grilling system with improved ignition for quick startup. In terms of build and design, it does not differ much from the E310 except that it varies in the number of burners and the size of the cooking area.
This model is made for ease of use as it features a control panel at the front and an electronic-crossover ignition system. It has two burners that are adequately spaced with individual controls for each of the burners. You can adjust the heat levels with its infinite control settings. The cooking area is decent at 360 square inches with an added 90 square inches to warm your food.
The fold-down side tables are a nice touch for extra prep space. It has a durable construction, and the steel shroud does not fade peel or rust. Even the cast-iron cooking grates are also covered in porcelain enamel that has heat retention properties. The Flavorizer bars are made to catch the cooking juice so that it will not drop on the grates. It adds smoke and sizzle to the food to add more flavor. Other features that we loved about this model are the cover that allows heat circulation, the thermometer on the lid, and the enclosed propane tank with gauge.
3. Weber 46510001 Spirit E310 Propane Gas Grill
This is Weber’s entry-level for its Spirit line that has undergone design transformation in 2013. It features three burners in stainless steel with a total heat output of 32,000 BTU. The cooking area is ample at 424 square inches of primary cooking space and an additional 105 square inches for warming your food.
The primary design transformation is on the layout of its burners. It was a significant improvement because the burners are now connected to the control knobs at the front instead of the back. That means additional workspace on the side shelf and enhanced cooking experience. It has the fuel gauge too to indicate the level of the tank by weight.
It has the basic features of the Spirit line: enameled grates, the Flavorizer bars, single door enclosing a cart, battery-powered ignition, built-in tool hooks, and stainless-steel work surface. All in all, it is a well-made and efficient grill.
Top 3 Weber Genesis Grill
1. Weber 61015001 Genesis II E-315 3-Burner Liquid Propane Grill
The Weber Genesis II E-315 has a world-class grilling engine that is equipped with three powerful engines. It has an easy cleanup black porcelain-enameled lid and cast-iron cooking grates. This model is equipped with three burners that have a heat output of 39,000 BTUs when combined. The closed cart design of the grills is entirely made with painted steel doors and two layers of shelves for your grilling paraphernalia. The gas tank is placed outside to free up some space.
Technology is the prime selling point of Genesis, and this model has the GS4 grilling system that is high performing burners with the infinity ignition and stainless steel flavorizer bars, which allows for better grease management. Another highlight is the iGrill three compatible with your smartphone for a wireless temperature check. However, the probes and iGrill three are not included in the grill, and you have to purchase them separately. The rest of its features are pretty basic and characteristic of the Genesis line.
2. Weber 62006001 Genesis II S-435 4-Burner Liquid Propane Grill
The Weber Genesis II S-435 Propane Gas Grill is part of the S-series of the Weber Genesis line. The 435 comes with an E and S, and the difference between them lies on what the lid and lower cabinet are made from. The E as the lower cabinet in porcelain-enameled steel in black while the is of stainless steel. Now that we have this clear let’s move on to what this model is all about.
The S435 model has the cooking grates in stainless steel rods and its pure perfection. It gives better grill marks and cleaning them is easy. Rusting is also not an issue with stainless steel. It performs like any other Genesis grills with even heating and minimized flare ups. The build quality is excellent, with a 10-year warranty on all of its components. With its sleek styling and full features, you expect this grill to carry a steep price, and it does. If you have space and the money, it is a worthy investment.
3. Weber 61011001 Genesis II E-310 LP Grill
The difference of this E-310 model from the S-310 is only visual, on the stainless-steel lid, and looks terrific if not for the extra cost. It features an open cart design for more space on the shelves. Like any Genesis II model, the burners can reach a higher temperature and cook food more evenly. It offers a total heat output of 39,000 BTUs, and you can monitor it with the fuel gauges.
The propane tank is enclosed to protect it from the elements. Its lid is more massive, and it provides better insulation, which means it provides more fuel efficiency. The cooking area is decent, with extra space for the warming racks with a tuck-away feature. It also has the following features that make you like it more: the 10-year warranty, burner tubes: updated grease management system, flavorizer bars, and the infinity ignition.
Which to Buy?
So, is it the Spirit or the Genesis? We have taken a deep dive into the differences between the two lines of grills from Weber. And in the debate between Weber Spirit vs. Genesis, we know that the Genesis range offers better quality with stainless steel construction, but you have to pay for that.
The Spirit is a classic and still well-constructed, and if you don’t need the bells and whistles and just want the same old grilling experience. It meets the cooking space you need and the extras at a budget you can afford.
If you ask me, I feel that the Genesis II E-310 is worth it if you want a long-term investment. It has a long-lasting construction and has everything you need in a gas grill. Spending some more will not hurt with all its advantages.